Burger Queen is loosely based off the real-life franchise, Burger King. It was founded on November 15, 2019, by Fhume97 and is now owned by lizziescatboy. Below is the list of the 59 toys, ordered by their category in …Burger Queen is a burger restaurant roleplay group on the Roblox platform. The promotion ended on December 31, 1999. História do Burger King | Em 1953, um homem de Jacksonville, na Flórida, chamado Keith Kramer, junto com o tio de sua esposa Matthew Burns, procurou criar uma ideia própria para o restaurante depois de se inspirar no no sucesso meteórico do McDonald’s na cidade de San Bernardino, Califórnia, EUA.On November 8, 1999, Burger King had offered a set of 59 toys based on Pokémon (Key-rings, squirters, rev-tops, launchers, talking plush, light-ups and Poké beanbags) inside a Pokéball container and with one of the 151 trading cards.